

vineri, 26 decembrie 2014


Prima intalnire de proiect la Pisa -Italia

Liceul Tehnologic "Nicolae Balcescu" participa alaturi de scolile din sase tari la proiectul de parteneriat strategic Erasmus+ despre pregatirea tinerilor pentru ocuparea fortei de munca dupa terminarea studiilor. Proiectul este o adevarata provocare pentru noi deoarece suntem la prima experienta de acest gen.
In luna noiembrie a avut loc intalnirea profesorilor la Pisa, Italia (tara coordonatoare a proiectului) unde s-au pus bazele viitoarelor intalniri la care vor participa elevi si profesori. Acestea sunt:
  1. 8-1402.2015 - Grecia
  2. 22-28.03.2015 - Marea Britanie
  3. 10-16.05.2015 - Italia
  4. 4-10.10.2015 - Turcia                            
  5. 17-23.01.2016 - Spania
  6. 10-16.04.2016 - Franta
  7. 8-14.05.2016 - Romania 
 Din scoala noastra au participat: prof. Becheru Elena – manager de proiect, prof. Decu Valentina – coordonator proiect, prof. Bold Danut – limba engleza. Intalnirea a avut loc sub semnul prieteniei, intr-o atmosfera de lucru calda si primitoare creata de colectivul de profesori de la Liceul ITIS “Leonardo da Vinci” din Pisa. Am facut cunostinta cu partenerii nostri, am vizitat scoala din Pisa, am vizitat orasul si am invatat platforma de lucru a proiectului eTwinning.
Multumim Annalisa, Tullia, Adriana, Barbara si tuturor celorlati colegi italieni pentru primirea facuta!
Ne vedem in Grecia!

coordonator proiect,
Valentina Decu 


Impressions after travel in Tripolis

We left our homes with  hope that we will make a change and we will make new friends . Our destination was a beautiful and magical city from Greece named Tripolis .
 Tripolis has a beautiful geography . It is surrender by mountains and except the fact that it is a small and kind of quiet city , I can tell that we can feel the ancient vibe of that place which is kind like a ancient aura who surrenders that magnificent city  . There we can meet old and new at the same time and we can never get bored of this amazing contrast .
We are the luckiest students who managed to get involved in a project like this and who were the ambassadors of our countries . We led our country team to success and we have made a lot of new friends with who we will certainly keep in touch for a long time . When we first arrived in Greece we thought that the students from the project are a little bit fancy and we were frightened about the fact that we won't , maybe ,  be able to make new friends .The time demonstrated us that we were frightened for something which appeared to be just in our minds . I mean we first thought that we were the only ones who doesn't know very well English , but It wasn't like that. We discovered rapidly that we are the same and we crossed this barrier.
Our host families were welcoming us and we felt like in our homes . They have tried to make us to feel like we have never left home . I personally felt that family as my own family and I remember one time when I said that I mis’d home and they cooked me all kind of Romanian food . Also I remember when I dressed myself  in a simple blouse and they convinced me to dress up well because I could get a flu .
We’ve visited lots of touristic objectives . In Nafplio we visited the Mycenae ruins with the Mycenae museum and the amphitheatre . In Athens we visited the Acropole . Those are my favorites touristic objectives . We also had activities with our host family and we attempt to try new wonderful things every day . I loved all greek workshops , especially when they had presented us they're rich music culture . It was very exciting when the teacher learned us how to play at those instruments . We all learned a simple beat at the drum or at other instruments . 
The meeting with the mayor and with local press was a little bit overwhelming but I think that like this our project gets to be known by more people and It's a good lesson for us which helps us to defeat our fears .  After we had met the mayor we went to see a theatre where we heard a story about the place and locals . In my opinion the decor was so beautiful and It was easy for us to imagine our self on the stage playing a scene of war of Troy or another scene from ancient Greece .
The music makes you feel like you're in paradise . All musical notes vibrating in all your pores and even if don't know the language , you feel happy and full of life . The food was interesting and we all enjoy eating it . All the new flavours which we had known were incredible and we wanted to taste more all the time because it was like an explosion of flavours and colours on our plates and in your mouth .
We won lots of new friends and knowledge from this trip and we’ve made a promise that we will go again in Greece and we won't forget our new greek friends .They made our trip as perfect as we expected it to be and even that they were younger than us we didn't felt different .
I'm glad that I took part in this project and new I can say that I'm more confident and I have more friends than I had before . It is a great experience and I wish that more and more people to get involved in this kind of education projects . If someone have a fear about the fact that they can be too different for others and there is no such a strange person like they think they are , than they are wrong because there is lots of persons like them or similar with same fears . It's like you defeat your own monsters when you take part in a project about knowledge and communication .

Alina Nastase, cls.aXI-a C

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